Here I am trying to compile all the shrewd and crude ways to find the 3rd Highest salary from our employees table.
hr@XE> select * from (select * from employees order by salary desc)
2 where rownum < 4
3 Minus
4 Select * from (select * from employees order by salary desc)
5 where rownum<3;
Notice that this may not produce the exact 3rd highest salary we should use distinct in that case.
select * from employees e
where 3=(select count(distinct salary) from employees e1 -- Now this should return the 3rd highest.
where e.salary<=e1.salary);
Using 10G analytics ---
select * from
(select e.* ,dense_rank() over (order by salary desc) rank_Sal
from employees e)
where rank_sal=3 -- If you don't want to same ranks for two consecutive same salary values. -------------------------ROW_NUMBER can be used.
The simplest (no same ranks for the same salary)
select * from (select rownum rank,e.* from employees e order by salary desc)
where rank=3;
where rank=3;
3rd query is incorrect